Standard License
License Terms :
Standard license let you use the font for wide purpose. You can use the font for :- Installation: Install the font on up to 2 computers
- User/Seat: 1 user/seat
- End Product/Print/Merch/Sales: Use the font for up to 100,000 merchandises/prints/end products for sale
- Social Media Promotion: Use font for unlimited content/promotion on facebook,instagram,threads, pinterest, or twitter (image only, no video). Up to 10,000 impressions/month
- Logo: Please choose Logo License for creating logo
- App/game/server: Extended license needed
- Movie/Broadcast: Corporate license needed
Logo License
License Terms :
You can use the font for :- Installation: Install the font on up to 3 computers
- User/Seat: 1 user/seat
- Logo: Use the font for 1 Logo and you can trademark your logo
- End Product/Print/Merch/Sales: Use the font for up to 1,000,000 merchandises/prints/end products for sale
- Social Media Promotion: Use font for content/promotion on facebook,instagram,threads, pinterest, or twitter. Up to 100,000 impressions/month
- Web: Use font for 1 web up to 100,000 views/month
- Youtube: Use for max 50 videos on 1 youtube channel
- Music app: Use font for album cover/thumbnail song on every music app like spotify
- App/game/server: Extended license needed
- Movie/Broadcast: Corporate license needed
Extended License
License Terms :
Extended license let you use the font for wide purpose, perfect for music label, big youtuber and etc. You can use the font for :- User/Seat: 20 users/seats
- Installation: Install the font on 20 computers
- Unlimited Merch/End Product: Use for unlimited merchandises/end products for sale
- Logo : Use the font to make your official logo and trademark the logo. Up to 3 logos allowed to trademark
- Youtube Unlimited: Use for unlimited videos on 3 youtube channel
- Music app: Use font for album cover/thumbnail song on every music app like spotify
- Social Media Promotion Unlimited: Use font for unlimited content/promotion on every social media
- Web Unlimited: Use font for 2 web with unlimited views/month
- Movie/Cinema: Corporate license needed
Corporate License
License Terms :
With Corporate License, Font can be used for :- Installation: Install the font on up to 100 computers
- User/Seat: 100 users/seats
- App/game/server: Embed font on 3 app/game/server
- Broadcast/film/movie: Use font for 1 movie/film/broadcast project
- Logo : Use the font to make your official logo and trademark the logo up to 10 logo
- Merch/End Product: Use for unlimited merchandises/end products for sale
- Youtube: Use for unlimited videos on 10 youtube channel
- Music app: Use font for album cover/thumbnail song on every music app like spotify
- Social Media Promotion: Use font for unlimited content/promotion on every social media
- Web: Use font for 10 web with unlimited views/month